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Premises Liability Attorney Serving
Plymouth, MA

premise liability case plymouth ma

Are You in Need of a Premises Liability Attorney?

If you injure yourself while you’re on someone else’s property, who is liable? Often, a landowner might leave dangerous obstacles around their property by mistake. While you might be imagining some dark warehouse full of rusty nails, this can apply to anybody. After all, every summer countless people suffer injuries at someone else’s pool. If you were injured on someone else’s property, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. However, premises liability laws are highly regulated and complex in Massachusetts. Because of this, you’ll need a lawyer to represent you in a premise liability case. That’s where attorney William Crowley comes in. Attorney Crowley is a lawyer specializing in premises liability and building code violation cases in the Plymouth, MA area. With more than 35 years of experience, you can trust attorney Crowley to fight aggressively for your rights. Attorney Crowley began his legal career in the 1980s when he worked on the famous personal injury case Anne Anderson v. Cryovac. Attorney Crowley represented eight families that developed leukemia from toxic drinking water in the case. His dogged, tireless representation resulted in the defendants settling with his clients out of court. The case was adapted into the Oscar-nominated movie A Civil Action. You can trust attorney Crowley to handle your premises liability case with the same determination and skill in any of these areas:

  • Boston, MA
  • Suffolk County, MA
  • Norfolk County, MA
  • Middlesex County, MA
  • Plymouth, MA
  • Bristol County, MA
  • Barnstable County, MA
  • Cambridge, MA
  • Braintree, MA
  • Cape Cod, MA

Hiring a Building Code Violation Lawyer: Know Your Rights

Building code violations can result in serious injuries or death. If you have informed a property owner like your landlord of a building code violation and your landlord ignores it, your lawyer may be able to prove negligence in your premise liability case. This will establish strict liability in your case. This, in turn, will put the “burden of proof” on the defendant: instead of your attorney having to prove that they are guilty, the landowner will need to prove him or herself innocent in court. When this happens, your case is essentially a slam-dunk.

building code violation lawyer plymouth ma

Premises Liability Law

Under Massachusetts law, the owner of a premises has liability for what happens to anyone who is there. That can include anyone from landlords to tenants and business owners. That makes them financially liable for injuries that someone suffers on their property due to issues like:

  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Toxic fumes
  • Environmental contaminants like asbestos
  • Water contamination
  • Dog bites

When determining fault in a premises liability case, there are three main types of people who exist on a property:

  • Invitee: Someone who has been granted access to a property by its owner. This can include house guests or visiting family members. The vast majority of people on a piece of property are invitees.
  • Licensees: someone who is on the property legally, but not as an invitee. Usually, Massachusetts law lumps invitees and licensees into one category called “legal entrants.”
  • Trespassers: these are people who are on the property illegally. They are generally not covered by premises liability laws, and can only sue a property owner who willfully harmed them.

If you are a legal entrant and suffer from an injury on a property, the property owner will be liable for your injuries.

Let Attorney Crowley Help with Your Premise Liability Case

If you need a reliable, skilled lawyer to handle your premises liability or building violation case, call attorney Crowley. He has spent more than 35 years as a trusted, go-to lawyer for clients in the Plymouth, MA area. If you think you have a case, don’t wait. Call the Law Office of William J. Crowley today for a free consultation.

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The information contained on this website is presented for informational and marketing purposes only and is not to be understood as legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice respecting your individual needs.  William J. Crowley looks forward to speaking with you about your particular needs. Please note, however, that the mere act of contacting our firm does not create an attorney-client relationship. As a result, you should never send any confidential information to our office until a Representation Agreement has been signed by both you and William J. Crowley


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